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God's Dream For Me is Bigger Than My Own Dreams!

“God can do anything, you know — far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams!” (Ephesians 3:20 MSG)...

Sunday, 27 March 2016


Jesus Has Risen!Hallelujah!
Dear brethren,today signifies Jesus Resurrection, His Victory over everything including death.

Jesus of Nazareth came in the form of a human,ate with us, dined with us and did so many miracles for us.

The best thing He did for us was laying His life down for us just to save us from Sin,Death and any form of Oppression.

Now He has risen and has publicly shamed the rulers   of darkness by His Victory over them on the Cross of Calvary (Read Col2:14-15).

There is still time  to Accept Him as your Saviour and your Lord.

If you want Him in your life to save you from the guilt of sin and oppression of the devil,say this quickly,Lord I know I am a sinner and that You died just to set me free from pain,agony,distress and death,I want you to stay with me forever in my heart,I accept you as my Lord and Saviour and I believe that I am saved.Amen.You are Saved! Welcome to His Prescence.

The whips and shame He endured on the Cross just for you won't be in Vain.

Remember there is no repentance after death.

May the Lord Help Us.Amen

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